the easy way to run a full Ethereum node on RPi4


There are two ways of installing Ethbian.
You can either use the already prepared sd card image or you can build the image yourself.

The already prepared image
link to the image can be found on the Home page

  • download the image
  • check the sha256 sum with the one provided on the github page
  • unzip the image
  • write it to your sd card (balenaEtcher is a great tool for the job)
  • insert the card in the RPi slot and plug in power supply
Once finished log in to your Pi via ssh and follow the first steps instructions.
Creating your own image
that's how the already prepared image was built

  • download and install Raspbian Buster Lite
  • log in as the pi user and execute:
    wget && bash
  • restart the box
  • register(free) for a MaxMind account and obtain a license key in order to download GeoLite2 database(free): visit MaxMind page to register, download the GeoLite2City db and save the file as /usr/local/lib/collectd/geolite_city.mmdb
Once finished log in to your Pi via ssh and follow the first steps instructions.
Default Ethbian user/password: pi/ethbian

If you get stuck at some point, you may find detailed installation instructions helpful.