the easy way to run a full Ethereum node on RPi4


Ethbian = Raspbian + Geth + Grafana


    Geth is a program which serves as a node for the Ethereum blockchain.

sudo systemctl start gethstart geth
systemctl status gethshow geth status
/mnt/ssd/datadirgeth data directory
/usr/local/bin/geth/gethgeth binary
/var/log/geth.loggeth log file
/lib/systemd/system/geth.servicegeth settings
install/update geth
After about 24 hours geth sync progress (in grafana dashboard) will show 99.999%
and will stay there for 5 to 7 days. The difference between the mainnet and your geth
(you can check it with the gsync command) will be between 50 and 200 blocks.
Just be patient (here you can find detailed explanation).


    Grafana is an excellent tool for handling metrics and visualizations.
It's running on port 3000 (user/password: admin/admin) with preconfigured
geth_stats and geth_peers dashboards. Collectd collects system/geth metrics
and stores them in the local InfluxDB instance.

[dashboard] geth_status (syncing)
[dashboard] geth_status (syncing, 99%)
[dashboard] geth_status (synced)
geth_status dashboard screenshots
shows system/geth status
[dashboard] geth_peers geth_peers dashboard screenshot
shows peers (nodes your geth is connected to)
[dashboard] eth_price eth_price dashboard screenshot
shows current eth price
(powered by CoinGecko API)
systemctl status grafana-servershow grafana status
ethbian-monitoring.shcheck monitoring services status
/etc/grafana/grafana.inigrafana configuration file
/etc/influxdb/influxdb.confinfluxdb configuration file
/etc/collectd/collectd.confcollectd configuration file


gatattach to geth console (via ipc)
tempshows Pi's core temperature
gsyncshows geth synchronization progress